The Desk Study builds a picture of a site, reviewing site specific data including geology, history, hydrogeology, hydrology, environmental data sets and other information relevant to the site. By identifying potential contamination sources, pathways and receptors, a picture can be built to establish if pollutant linkages may be present.
Using data from sources such as Landmark, Local Authorities, The Environment Agency, The Coal Authority and BGS enables an assessment of the site and determines the extent of the Phase 2 Intrusive Investigation. The report typically includes:
A site description including location, present use and findings of a walkover survey.
Details of the proposed development.
History of the site and surrounding area from OS mapping, looking for potential hazards and contamination sources.
Geology of the site, including drift deposits, bedrock, radon and subsidence hazards (on geotechnical reports).
Environmental assessment, looking at potential sources of contamination, landfill sites or filled ground (quarries, reservoirs etc), hydrogeology and hydrology.
A Preliminary Conceptual Site Model – a preliminary assessment of potential contamination sources and locations, pathways and receptors which may be at risk.