Environmental Consultants

01282 414649                                                                                                         info@wormseye.co.uk

About Us

Environmental, Geotechnical and Coal Mining Investigations

Are you looking for reliable geo-environmental services? Your search ends at Worms Eye, for more information about our services  please get in touch with us today. You can expect a friendly service from our experienced team.

Our location allows us to cover a wide area in the North of England and Midlands. To allow us to give our best attention to each project, especially where repeat visits to site are needed, we have concentrated on the following areas:

• Lancashire
• Cheshire
• Cumbria
• Greater Manchester
• Merseyside
• Yorkshire
• Staffordshire
• North Wales

Although we concentrate on the above areas, we are prepared to consider individual sites outside these areas on a site by site basis.

David Lord - Managing Director

David began his career at Worms Eye way back in 1988. His future training is to delve further into groundwater risk assessments, environmental geochemistry and waste management. Happily married to Deborah Lord, with two daughters and a son, he is a Church leader and has been involved in voluntary work with children and young adults for many years. His interests include reading, music and photography.

Graham Cannon - Senior Consultant

Following graduation at the University of Nottingham, Graham worked on major projects such as the M5 Bristol, York Bypass, Rutland Water and sewers/tunnels under Bradford. After working overseas in Libya, Graham swapped the sand for Lancashire mud, forming Worms Eye in 1985. This has now expanded to include a wide range of geo-technical and geo-environmental services that have been called upon for many projects. He is a chartered environmentalist, engineer and also a qualified hot air balloon pilot.

Deborah Lord – Financial Director

Deborah is our financial director. With over 20 years of experience in accounts departments, Deborah has also studied at Burnley and Blackburn Colleges, with more recent study at Nelson and Colne College. Married to David, she further helps to maintain the family feel of the close knit team at the company. In her spare time, Deborah currently runs a toddler group, having previously been involved with children and youth work.


  • British Geological Society
  • Geological Society of London
  • Institution of Civil Engineers
  • Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment
  • Institute of Environmental Sciences
  • Lancashire CC, Safe Trader Scheme
  • Society for the Environment

Our contact details

Tel: 01282 414 649
Office hours: Monday to Friday - 9 am to 5 pm
Worms Eye Ltd
PO Box 1157
Worms Eye Ltd registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 07290950.
Registered Office: Worms Eye Ltd, 1st Floor Block C, The Wharf, Manchester Road, Burnley, Lancashire, BB11 1JG
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