Environmental Consultants

01282 414649                                                                                                         info@wormseye.co.uk

Remediation and Validation

Remediation Strategies and Validation Reports

Remediation Strategies

If the Phase 2 Intrusive Investigation finds contamination exceeds appropriate thresholds, and poses a risk, a remediation strategy is required. Worms Eye can design the remediation strategy to ensure your development is suitable for intended use on completion.

Each site is unique and may for instance require remedial works to soils to remove risks to receptors, remediation of groundwater, gas or vapours protection measures and protective water pipes.  

We are not, however, design engineers and can only advise on gas protection measures, we are unable to carry out the detailed design of gas protection measures. 

Validation Reports

Similarly, validation will vary between sites and may require a ‘watching brief to identify unexpected contaminants during excavations, site visits to inspect on-going remedial works, tests to confirm contaminated materials have been removed from site, inspection of excavations, inspection and testing of cover layer materials to confirm their suitability for use, and a site visit on completion. These are brought together in the validation, or verification, report which confirms that remedial works have been carried out as recommended, and the site is suitable for its end-use.

Soils imported onto site will require testing to confirm their suitability for use on the development. We can collect and analyse samples at their source or from stockpiles on site. These results are then assessed and, assuming the soil is suitable, incorporated into the final validation report.

Gas Protection Measures Validation

Installed gas protection measures will require independent inspection to confirm they have been correctly installed. This is not a service Worms Eye currently offer, however, we can work with independent inspectors and incorporate their results in our validation report.

For Remediation Strategies and Validation Reports please email us or call
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